Posted in College, Life + Living

Hanging Stuff on the Wall!

Look! I'm hanging stuff on the wall...

So, I know that the pictures are not the highest quality… it was kind of late in the evening and I did not take care with the lighting.  I just *had* to let you know, though, that in 1 week, I have gotten far enough with the unpacking process that I could actually start hanging things on my walls ❤  This first frame is showing some of my original art work.  Left to right: Anna, Circus, Opeth (top) – by my brother, Taz (bottom), Kawaii Not t-shirt cut into wall-hanging, and a fairy sketch.

Not Pop Art, Mom Art!

These cutting boards were made by my mom when she was younger than I am now and they make my (tiny!) kitchen feel so home-y.  I can’t decide which one I like the best.  It’s probably the puppy, though, because I want a dog and have two cats instead.

They are LOVING it, by the way.  They neglect the cat towers in favor of the (awesome) windowsills.  I swear they were BUILT for cats.  Here’s a pic of Taz exemplifying how perfect they are for the feline variety:

Catpants in the window

I think that best of all, we actually have an office now.  I have been sleeping *so* much better now that the computer is not in the bedroom.  I would love to say that I am better able to study as well, however, I am still as much of a procrastinator as ever in that I am writing this entry instead of working on my English homework…

The best part, is that my office can showcase some of my nerd geekery:

My desk is nowhere near finished and does not even have a computer set up on it, so please excuse the mess in the bottom of the frame.  Instead, feast your eyes on these fab internet marvels:

(counter clockwise from top left:)

Ones that are not hanging in my office, but are definitely worth mentioning are:

It kind of makes me sad to list all of those out… mostly because I haven’t had time to keep up with hardly ANY of them.  In gathering the links, I found out that Blankit Comics kind of stalled out, but I was happy to note that flakypastry updated just yesterday.

If you’re looking for something to do, definitely check out some of those links.  There’s something for everyone 🙂  If you need kid-friendly stuff, check out dreamland chronicles.  If you need adult-friendly stuff, check out girls-with-slingshots.  If you just want a great story and not necessarily humour, check out  Sarah Ellerton is quite the talented writer.

Okay 🙂 Off to study before I run out of time.  Have a fantastic weekend!


Interests include: art, photography, fitness, strength training, health, wellness, netflix, gaming, reading, imgur, NerdFitness, parenthood, and fun.