Posted in Food, Menu Planning

Menu Mayhem – and a little chaos

That over-exposed beauty right there is this week’s dinner menu at my house.  I love how you kind of lose the whiteboard, but the colors of the markers stand out.  Me + Color = Love!

I went grocery shopping for just the two of us this last weekend and ended up spending about $75 dollars.  I was happy to see, though, that I am naturally gravitating towards more produce.  About half of my grocery cart was fruits and veggies.  Today in my lunch box, for example, I have mixed fruit (cup), celery, and grapes.  I had blueberries with my breakfast.  We were snacking on cherry tomatoes as we were watching a movie the other day.  It is so much easier to be healthy now that it’s just Jeff and I 🙂 I’m enjoying the change.  The only down-side is that my trip was cut short and I am realizing that I missed a few things on my list.. Like spiral pasta and red pepper flakes.  I will either have to make another trip, or rearrange the menu… But hey! That’s why it’s on a dry-erase board, right?  Suggestions, not mandates.

On Monday, dinner plans got mixed up and Jeff ended up eating left-overs and I went out to dinner with a friend in need.  The Orange Chicken recipe, though, is definitely on my to-do list this week… and I will post fabulous pictures and a review when I’m through.

The other thing that I am excited for is the party on Saturday.  It is going to be hosted a couple hours after my Heart Walk (not too late to donate!)  If the weather holds, we’ll have some outdoor activities.  If it doesn’t, that’s okay because we have a rockin’ space that can fit plenty of people 🙂  Add some good apps, fun games, good music and good friends and you’ve got a party.

Hope you’re having a great week so far.  Happy Wednesday!


Interests include: art, photography, fitness, strength training, health, wellness, netflix, gaming, reading, imgur, NerdFitness, parenthood, and fun.

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